KeyShot support

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With designers around the world workshopping their visuals and sharing their best KeyShot tips, the KeyShot Luminaries community is the perfect place for your artistic and technical questions. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced designer, you’ll find a helpful and innovative community of support. Luminaries is free for KeyShot users – Join today!

Have a non-technical question?
Contact us based on the following departments:
New Customers
For new customer inquiries (including trials, quotes, and new licenses), please contact our New Business Team.
Existing Customers
For existing customer inquiries (including trials, quotes, renewals, and additional licenses), please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Education & student customers
For education inquiries (including trials, quotes, renewals, and sponsorships), please contact our Education Team.
For invoice or billing assistance, please contact our Accounting Team.
For privacy or data erasure, please contact our Privacy Team.