Rendering an image is a lot like taking a photograph. You have to consider your composition, the lighting, the lens – Rendering your 3D models with KeyShot makes that whole process extremely simple, leaving you open to explore more variations and create that inspirational shot. The BMW Design Facebook page is a great source of inspiration with concept designs and details of beautifully captured interiors and exteriors of their vehicles. Recently, they provided a guide that explains six key essentials to getting great results when photographing cars and it applies perfectly to getting great results when rendering cars as well.
Six Photography Essentials
Many photographers use KeyShot to complement the visual workflow, speeding up the media production process. To some, framing and lighting a shot may be second nature, but remembering a few simple tips of the photography trade can make a big difference in the final results of your rendering. BMW Design explains the six essentials to consider: Light, Location, Lens, Perspective, Height and Details.
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