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How Enterprise Companies Benefit from Omnichannel Marketing



August 29, 2023

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The marketing landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

New technologies, shifting consumer behaviors, and emerging trends present opportunities and challenges for businesses striving to stay competitive.

Today’s customers expect personalized experiences, quick responses, and seamless interactions across multiple channels.

Omnichannel marketing delivers on all these expectations and has enormous benefits for businesses and their customers.

Meet the ever-increasing expectations of customers and get a deeper understanding of your target audience.

This guide will uncover how omnichannel marketing can build stronger customer relationships, drive growth, and help you make better decisions based on fact, not a hunch.


Successful brands build long-term customer relationships.

Nonetheless, placing the customer at the center of all marketing efforts and strategies needs understanding and anticipating customer needs, preferences, and behaviors.

With over three-quarters of business leaders agreeing personalization increases customer retention, having a solid omnichannel (or cross-channel) marketing strategy boosts customer engagement–allowing businesses to stand out from the crowd.

  • With creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of customer pain points, needs, and wants, brands can:

    • Capture and maintain the attention of a target audience with personalization

    • Provide a consistent brand experience

    • Optimize the right marketing approach to achieve goals and meet business objectives

Sounds simple, right?

Not quite.

That’s where omnichannel marketing comes into its own. This approach gives businesses a competitive edge by delivering a superior and personalized customer experience compared to competitors who may offer a fragmented or inconsistent approach.

Omnipresence gives customers a seamless, consistent experience across multiple channels and touchpoints, whether they interact with the brand through your Facebook page, website, mobile app, or physical store.

With Digizuite DAM, brands can overcome inconsistent brand messaging. A centralized platform for all digital assets, such as company logos, images, videos, and brand guidelines, makes sure everyone has access to the latest and approved assets–reducing the risk of sharing outdated or inconsistent assets.

Secondly, identifying the right channel for your marketing campaign needs careful thought and consideration.

Since just 13% of marketers strongly agree their organization measures content performance accurately, assessing your marketing efforts’ impact and return on investment (ROI) across various channels remains challenging.

Wasting time and energy sharing content on one platform that produces little reward is costly (and a little soul-destroying).

Incomplete or biased information from different platforms can produce misleading data–resulting in misguided decisions or inaccurate customer insights. 

Learn from successes and failures. Cross-channel marketing enables businesses to track and analyze the effectiveness of marketing efforts across different platforms, optimizing campaigns and improving ROI.

Technology, like DAM, can provide robust content analytics, and make decisions about your marketing campaigns and digital asset performance backed up by real-time data.


Implementing an effective omnichannel marketing strategy differentiates businesses from competitors. By leveraging multiple channels, companies can adapt and adjust marketing strategies more quickly in response to market trends and customer preferences.

Omnichannel marketing empowers businesses to connect with their customers at the right time, through the right channel, and with the right message.

Break down campaigns into smaller, manageable sprints with shorter timeframes, allowing quick adjustments and optimization based on actual results.

Move away from rigid, long-term marketing plans that give limited flexibility and choose an agile omnipresent planning approach.

Omnichannel marketing allows for targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Businesses can leverage customer data to deliver tailored messages across channels without switching between various channels.

DAM features can support your omnichannel strategy. Integrations with Sitecore, Optimizely, and Adobe Cloud Connector bring together multiple functions and processes into one unified platform–reducing friction and the potential for human error.

Digizuite integrations


According to a survey, customer experience is a top priority among business leaders.

Omnichannel marketing allows retail, manufacturing, and financial businesses, for example, to adapt to changing client behaviors and preferences by providing flexibility in meeting clients wherever they are, whether online, offline, or across different devices.

Picture this.

A customer watches a tutorial video on YouTube featuring a new product from a luxury fashion brand. Impressed by what they see, the customer visits the brand’s Instagram account to explore more product-related content.

The customer then clicks on a link in the brand’s Instagram bio–leading them to its website. They find the product, read customer reviews, and more information about the product.

The customer adds the item to their online shopping bag and completes the purchase using a one-click payment option.

Cross-channel marketing offers seamless interaction across multiple platforms–giving customers an enhanced experience. By leveraging multiple channels, customers engage in more meaningful and interactive ways, leading to higher engagement levels.

Maintain a customer-centric mindset. Prioritize customer convenience with cross-channel marketing. Offer a consistent and seamless customer experience across multiple platforms at every touchpoint.


We’ve shared how businesses that tailor communications based on individual preferences and behaviors increase the relevance and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

And all that is well and good. But how does it impact your bottom line?

Since omnipresence helps brands reach customers through their preferred channels, the chances of conversions and purchases increase.

By using a single source of truth, brands have access to consistent, accurate, and up-to-date data–eliminating conflicting sources of information.

Plus, tracking customer behaviors, engagement, and conversions across channels can refine targeting. For instance, a customer who added items to their cart but still needs to check out might see targeted ads offering discounts on those items.

Resonate with customers deeper by addressing their specific needs and interests.

Deliver relevant and timely content throughout the customer buying journey and create meaningful connections with customers.


Did you know that when a customer feels satisfied with their interaction with your business, 96% will come back and be more likely to tell others about it?

Being omnipresent fosters long-term customer relationships by consistently building an emotional connection. It boosts trust, loyalty, and brand advocacy.

Improve customer retention rates by following up with customers after their purchase or interacting unexpectedly. Make a phone call to check their satisfaction, send a personalized email with additional resources related to their purchase, or a special offer for their next visit.

Ongoing engagement fosters a sense of loyalty and reduces the likelihood of customers seeking alternatives.


Comparing two marketing elements versions to determine which performs better, also known as A/B testing, can identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Considering omnichannel marketing gives brands a comprehensive view of customer data, it identifies opportunities–often increasing average order value and revenue.

  • Identify what resonates most with customers and enhance your cross-selling and up-selling options by:

    • Testing out two or more cross-selling marketing tactics. Technology, like DAM, can track the performance metrics for each tactic by using analytics tools to measure relevant data, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, time spent on a page, or any other key performance indicators (KPIs).

    • Sending automated emails with personalized recommendations. Offer complementary products or limited-time discounts and encourage customers to complete a purchase or look at other options.

    • Sharing the added value of higher-priced options. Businesses can drive additional revenue and deepen customer relationships by highlighting the benefits. For example, if a customer purchases a basic software package, a brand can suggest upgrading to a more advanced version with additional features and customer support options.


Poor communication, such as failing to update customers on order status, can leave customers feeling frustrated and heading off to your competitors.

Considering 82% of consumers are willing to spend more with companies that deliver excellent customer service, it’s hardly surprising that eight in ten business leaders prioritize customer support for finding success.

Omnichannel marketing ensures a consistent customer service experience across channels, allowing customers to receive support and assistance regardless of the channel they choose.

Reduce customer frustration by eliminating the need for repeating the same information. A customer can start an inquiry through live chat, for example, and then continue the conversation via email or phone, with the agent having full access to the interaction history.


Since businesses have thousands of digital assets to manage, it can be challenging to work out which ones are performing well and which ones aren’t.

Effective inventory management aligns with your marketing strategy. It considers digital asset life cycles, content variations, and campaign activities to ensure that the right products are available at the right time– supporting a cross-channel marketing approach.

Both product information management (PIM) and DAM systems can simplify this process for you by:

  1. Gaining real-time insights into how well assets are performing with robust data.

  2. Making it easier to manage your digital content by organizing and storing large volumes of digital data. Add metadata and tags to digital assets, making them easily searchable and categorized.

  3. Having team communication and collaboration tools–great if you have a global workforce involved in content development.

  4. Saving time by avoiding manual upload to individual platforms and channels.

Improve consistency and operational efficiency. Optimize your omnichannel content management processes with accurate and up-to-date digital assets across various channels.


The benefits we’ve shared here contribute to overall business growth, customer satisfaction, and increased revenue.

Deliver consistent messaging, seamless transitions, and personalized experiences across multiple online and offline touchpoints and improve brand visibility–maximizing opportunities for customer engagement.

Remember: embracing cross-channel marketing is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have for sustained success.

Want to learn more about Digizuite?

Book a demo today, and an expert will walk you through the software and discuss your omnichannel marketing needs. 

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