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Discover the new KeyShot

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Need a KeyShot Material Ball? Download Here…



August 17, 2011

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Written By Josh Mings
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You know, the material library in KeyShot is quite exceptional. With KeyShot 3, even more so. Lots of options, but even though you may have every sort of plastic and metal material imaginable, there may come a time in your rendering process where you would like to see a couple of those materials together, lit perfectly beneath the HDRI of your choosing. What to do? Well, you could model up something real quick, but that takes all sorts of time. Instead you could simply download a KeyShot material ball, add a few to your favorite scene and enjoy the beauty.

KeyShot Material Ball

You can download the KeyShot Material Ball from GrabCAD. The models was creeated by W.Wolf, is 10cm in height and contains two parts to add materials to. Here are just a few examples.

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