KeyShot World Tours the US
We took KeyShot World on tour around the US this year, making stops in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and New York City. We heard from KeyShot experts at notable companies like Speedo, Razor, Samsung and Logitech, all using KeyShot to do amazing things for internal teams and external advertising. In San Francisco we were joined by Hollywood designer Dan Simon, whose 3D work has been featured in Top Gun: Maverick, Tron: Legacy or Captain America. See Dan at our event here.
Major Color & Workflow Upgrades
We’ve introduced big color updates this year, including several new libraries, Color Mode, Multi-Colors, the power to manage color as a standalone asset, and more. Working with color is easier, faster, and more fun than ever. Be sure to see more details and learn how to use the new features.KeyShot + Digizuite
Luxion, the makers of KeyShot, officially acquired leading digital asset management platform Digizuite in August. This strategic move marks a significant step towards revolutionizing the digital supply chain landscape, offering innovative products that empower businesses to streamline asset management, collaboration, and content delivery across all channels. Learn more.
The Power to Slice Through Products in VR
In one of those developments that makes real life seem even more like a video game, you can now slice through product concepts in virtual reality in KeyVR. It’s called the Cut Plane tool — See for yourself.

The KeyShot Colorway Design Challenge
We received nearly 200 submissions for the KeyShot Colorway Challenge, in which designers used the new color workflow support (introduced in November) to dream up super-creative product colorway scenes. See the winners.

And More Delightful Design Challenges
We showcased some of our favorite designs found via social media and the KeyShot Luminaries community. If you’re into jewelry design, Star Wars, Disney, or like getting crazy creative with the K-lamp, check ‘em out.

Easier-Than-Ever Animations
With the new keyframe-based camera animation solution, it’s now easier than ever to create dynamic camera animations quickly.
IDSA Interviews KeyShot VP of Products and Strategy
What does the future hold for industrial design? Derek Cicero, KeyShot’s VP of Products and Strategy, discussed how design is changing business and marketing operations at global companies and your local design firms, a highly recommended read for industrial designers everywhere.
A Win for the KeyShot Luminaries Community
When we launched the new KeyShot online community, KeyShot Luminaries, in 2022 we hoped to provide a version of the original forum but on steroids, adding in challenges, prizes and more. Since then, Luminaries has turned into THE bustling, instructional and entertaining place to be for all things KeyShot. So we were thrilled when KeyShot Community Manager Arlene Covarrubias, the person keeping Luminaries running, was honored with the 2023 Influitive BAMMIE Award for Program Manager of the Year. She faced steep competition from other managers at global tech companies.