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KeyShot 2012 Engine Rendering Challenge



June 18, 2012

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Written By Josh Mings
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What time is it? KeyShot Rendering Challenge time. Yes, we’re doing it again. Bringing you another opportunity to win a license of KeyShot. Now, it’s true that one of the KeyShot staff lost their voice after clapping and cheering on the winners of the last contest. They’re on the mend, but we just couldn’t wait to hold another contest. This time, we going all out ENGINE on you with the challenge to create the coolest, most intense engine rendering or animation you can muster. Ready for this? (and some awesome puns?) Well then, Start your ENGINES!!

KeyShot Engine Rendering Challenge

This time we’re teaming up with the GrabCAD community for a friendly competition! Yes, the GrabCAD community and the KeyShot community are going head-to-head to see which can submit the most creative, high-quality renderings possible. For the complete guidelines, check out the KeyShot Challenge forum.

The theme of this rendering competition is ENGINES.  GrabCAD is filled with amazing models and many in the Engine category are among the most interesting and detailed.

Now, engines come in all shapes and sizes, from two-stroke lawnmower engines and outboard boat motors to massive truck and commercial airliner engines. Your goal? Create the most stunning 3D rendering or animation of an engine, any type for any type of plane, train, boat, automobile or equipment. A rendering of any Engine model may be submitted for the contest.

We’ll have three winners. One for best rendering, one for best animation and one for best student rendering. The best rendering and best animation wins a seat of KeyShot Pro with Animation, the best student entry receives a KeyShot education license. All will receive the enduring admiration of the KeyShot crew and community!

The contest will run until Saturday July 7th, Midnight PST. We’re ready to go, are you? For all the details and submit your entry, visit the KeyShot Engine Rendering Challenge guidelines now!

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