Esben takes a unique approach, starting with the KeyShot Anisotropic material type, then going into the Material Graph to layer materials, add procedural opacity maps with texture and finish it off with a little clear-coat trick you’ll definitely want to learn. It’s a quick 10-minute tutorial that is completely worth you time. In it, he covers:
- The KeyShot user interface
- Various KeyShot materials
- Using the KeyShot Material Graph
- Material and texture settings
- Adding a clear-coat layer
Speedshape Model
Studio 17 HDRI
Material Tutorial
You can download the material tutorial on Esben’s Gumroad here. This includes setup for three materials in all: Bead-blasted Aluminum, Clear-coated Carbon Fiber and DayDream Fabric. You can also see more tutorials from Esben at
The KeyShot Material Graph is a KeyShot Pro feature. Create your own custom material, material animations, rich textures and more. See the KeyShot product comparison here.