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How DAM Boosts Team Efficiency with Automation And AI



April 22, 2024

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Written By KeyShot
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Getting tired of the endless grind of repetitive tasks draining your team’s time and energy?

Picture an everyday work scenario where creativity thrives and productivity skyrockets without the weight of manual chores. Chores like data entry, file organization, and content distribution can become a thing of the past.

In this article, we’ll explain how leveraging tools like Digital Asset Management (DAM) can transform your workflow, liberating teams from routine tasks — and paving the way for enhanced efficiency and innovation.

Continue reading to discover how a DAM system can transform your content workflow, offering real advantages in today’s digital content management landscape.

In this article:

  • Revealing time lost in repetitive tasks
  • DAM: Supercharging content management efficiency
  • How DAM automates 6 everyday content workflows
  • Success story: M/I homes
  • Conclusion

Revealing time lost in repetitive tasks

In today’s fast-paced workplaces, time is a precious commodity. Yet, it’s surprising how much of it slips away unnoticed, consumed by repetitive tasks that drain productivity and stifle creativity. 

It’s all in the stats: 10% of an office worker’s time is typically spent manually entering data into spreadsheets, CRMs, and ERP systems.

Not to mention, creating or modifying documents like spreadsheets, word documents, or PDFs can swallow more than half of the working day!

Here are the five biggest challenges teams face with time-consuming repetitive tasks:

  • Monotony breeds disengagement: Repetitive tasks can lead to monotony, causing team members to disengage and lose motivation.
  • Less productivity: Spending excessive time on repetitive tasks leaves less room for value-added activities, diminishing overall productivity.
  • Creativity stagnation: Continuous exposure to repetitive tasks can stand in the way of creativity, limiting innovation and fresh ideas within the team.
  • Increased error rates: Manual repetition increases the likelihood of errors, leading to inaccuracies and rework, wasting even more time.
  • Risk of burnout: The relentless cycle of repetitive tasks can contribute to burnout, impacting both physical and mental well-being.

These challenges not only ruin efficiency but also dampen team morale. It goes without saying that the frustration of repetitive tasks can truly take its toll on motivation and job satisfaction.


Enter DAM: Supercharging content management efficiency

DAM tools stand as a transformative solution set to boost enterprises’ biggest content management processes.

With its advanced automation and AI capabilities, DAM streamlines workflows and eliminates manual bottlenecks, allowing teams to focus on more creative and strategic tasks. And ultimately as a result, driving efficiency gains.

Let’s break down how Digizuite’s AI capabilities and automation features showcase DAM’s ability to boost content management efficiency:

Streamlined metadata entry

Digizuite prompts uploaders to fill out relevant metadata for new assets, ensuring accurate categorization and organization from the get-go.

For instance, a graphic designer uploading product images can easily input details such as product name, category, and tags to streamline asset management.

Proactive expiration date notifications

Content owners are automatically notified in advance when an expiration date is applied to an asset.

The result?

Timely action such as renewal, replacement, or archiving to prevent disruptions.

For example, a marketing manager receives a notification two weeks before a campaign image’s expiration, prompting them to review and update the asset as needed.

Automatic generation of optimized asset formats

Upon publication to any Content Management Systems (CMS) or other external applications, Digizuite generates optimized formats tailored to the desired application.

This helps ensure seamless integration without manual intervention.

Consider a scenario where a photographer uploads high-resolution images to Digizuite, which are automatically resized and formatted for use on the company website and social media platforms.

Enhanced searchability with AI-powered keyword extraction

Digizuite extracts keywords from (for example) product images, making content easy to find through search functionalities. In other words, making them easier to find and access.

For example, a marketing team searching for product images can quickly locate specific assets by entering relevant keywords such as “red dress” or “summer collection.

Easy background removal with external services

Leveraging external services like, KeyShot Dock automates background removal from images. This is a task often performed manually by companies, saving considerable time and effort.

Imagine a graphic designer seamlessly removing backgrounds from product photos with just a few clicks, enhancing the images for use in marketing materials and e-commerce platforms.

So by leveraging these features, KeyShot Dock empowers your internal (and external) teams to break free from the shackles of manual tasks.

This boosts efficiency and allows for a more streamlined and productive content management workflow.

How DAM automates 6 of your everyday content workflows

So what’s the day-to-day effect of implementing a DAM system into your content processes?,

Here’s how DAM transforms routine content management tasks into streamlined, efficient workflows:

  1. Content management and approval workflow: DAM streamlines the approval process for critical assets like CAD files and technical specifications, ensuring precision and adherence to terms and conditions. By automating these tasks, DAM safeguards brand reputation and prevents any costly errors.
  2. Content distribution and repurposing workflow: DAM simplifies content distribution, enhancing the efficiency of social media campaigns and reaching diverse audiences. Its content analytics feature identifies high-performing assets, enabling seamless repurposing across platforms for maximum impact.
  3. New product launch automation workflow: From capturing product photos to distribution, DAM automates the entire product launch process. It ensures compliance with brand guidelines and regulatory requirements, while seamlessly distributing new products across multiple channels.
  4. Tagging and metadata automation workflow: DAM automatically tags assets with precise metadata, ensuring easy search and retrieval. It maintains compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements, while providing a reliable record of asset history.
  5. Image enhancement and resizing workflow: Leveraging AI, DAM enhances image quality and optimizes formats for various digital platforms. This not only saves time but also maintains a consistent brand appearance, crucial for showcasing products effectively.
  6. Marketing automation and omnichannel marketing: Serving as a central repository for marketing materials, DAM simplifies content transfer and ensures brand consistency across digital platforms. Pre-configured workflows streamline asset approval and distribution, enhancing omnichannel strategies for a wider reach.

Success story: M/I Homes

In their quest to streamline marketing and digital content processes, M/I Homes sought a centralized solution.

Enter the DAM platform.

By implementing KeyShot Dock DAM, they consolidated their digital assets and established automated workflows, revolutionizing their operations.

With KeyShot Dock, M/I Homes saw a dramatic reduction in manual effort and time spent on repetitive tasks.

Automated workflows streamlined photo uploading, processing, and distribution, accelerating content delivery while freeing up valuable team time.

Adding on, the DAM enabled the creation of buyer portals, enhancing communication with customers throughout the building process.

So by automating workflows and ensuring timely asset delivery, M/I Homes provided personalized experiences, driving more customer satisfaction and loyalty.



So, to wrap things up:

Maximizing team efficiency is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. We’ve discussed how DAM software, like Digizuite, plays a central role in achieving this goal.

By automating repetitive tasks and tapping into AI capabilities, DAM streamlines content management workflows, freeing up valuable time for teams to focus on high-impact activities.

And from managing critical assets to automating content distribution and enhancing marketing efforts, DAM proves to be a game-changer — especially in industries like manufacturing where precision and efficiency are vital.

The success story of M/I Homes underscores the transformative potential of DAM.

Through Digizuite, they witnessed significant reductions in manual effort and notable improvements in content delivery speed and customer communication.

Interested in learning more about our DAM? Book a demo here.

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